Peter Jordan 2001-2002, Hart Fellow

In 2001–2002, Peter Jordan worked as a Hart Fellow for Christian Children’s Fund (now called ChildFund) in Kenya. CCF sponsors projects that aid children affected by poverty, drought, unsafe living conditions, and tropical disease. Peter worked as a media specialist for CCF, teaching documentary and media techniques to CCF staff based in development programs in rural sectors.

As part of his work, Peter spent three months in a bush village working with children to produce video documentaries about their lives and communities. Peter designed a collaborative documentary workshop in which children were trained to use Polaroid Pro-Pack cameras and hand-held camcorders to create portraits of their everyday experiences.

In fall 2002, Peter was in residence at the Center for Documentary Studies as part of the Lewis Hine Documentary Fellows Program where he edited the children’s videos and his own video and photography. The final videos were used by CCF and other organizations as advocacy materials designed to benefit African children and their families.

To learn more about Peter’s Hart Fellowship, visit:

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