Sara Gomez 2000-2001, Hart Fellow

Sara Gomez was a 2000-01 Hart Fellow based in Ahmedabad, India, with SEWA (Self Employed Women’s Association). She worked with their child care department documenting, through writing and photography, the child care program and its Effectiveness Initiative. Since her return, she has created an exhibit based on this work, some of which appears on this web site. Her work is also featured in the new book, Together We Do Good Work: SEWA’s Child-Care Program in Gujarat, India, published by the Lewis Hine Documentary Initiative at the Center for Documentary Studies in association with the Hart Leadership Program.

Sara graduated from Duke in 2000. She majored in Comparative Area Studies with a focus on Africa and Latin America. She spent the fall semester of her junior year in Madagascar, studying ecology and conservation through the School for International Training. After her Hart Fellowship, she mentored children at the Green River Preserve, an environmental summer camp in North Carolina. She then traveled to Ecuador to work with a sustainable development project. She went on to attend the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in pursuit of a master’s of public health in maternal and child health.

To learn more about Sarah’s Hart Fellowship, visit:

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